Calendar configuration

The integration uses an external o365_calendars_<account_name>.yaml file which is stored in the o365_storage directory.

Example Calendar yaml:

- cal_id: xxxx
  - device_id: work_calendar
    end_offset: 24
    name: My Work Calendar
    start_offset: 0
    track: true

- cal_id: xxxx
  - device_id: birthdays
    end_offset: 24
    name: Birthdays
    start_offset: 0
    track: true

Calendar yaml configuration variables

Key Type Required Description
cal_id string True O365 generated unique ID, DO NOT CHANGE
entities list<entity> True List of entities (see below) to generate from this calendar

Entity configuration

Key Type Required Description
device_id string True The entity_id will be “calendar.{device_id}”
name string True The name of your sensor that you’ll see in the frontend.
track boolean True True=Create calendar entity. False=Don’t create entity
search string False Only get events if subject contains this string
exclude list[string/regex] False Exclude events where the subject contains any one of items in the list of strings
start_offset integer False Number of hours to offset the start time to search for events for (negative numbers to offset into the past).
end_offset integer False Number of hours to offset the end time to search for events for (negative numbers to offset into the past).

Group calendars

The integration supports Group calendars in a fairly simple form. The below are the constraints.

  • This gets the default calendar for the group.
  • There is no discovery. You will need to find them in the MS Graph api. Using the MS Graph API you can call to get the groups. You will need the relevant group’s id for configuration purposes, see below
  • You can create events using the standard service, but you cannot modify/delete/respond to them.

To configure a Group Calendar, add an extra section to o365_calendars_<account_name>.yaml. Set cal_id to group:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx using the ID you found via the api above. Make sure to set the device_id to something unique.

  - cal_id: group:xxxx
    - device_id: group_calendar
      end_offset: 24
      name: Group Calendar
      start_offset: 0
      track: true


To exclude calendar items from being displayed, e.g. cancelled events, the exclude attribute can be used. This takes straight strings or can be configured with a regex for more complex exclusions.

     - "Cancelled"
     - "^In.*Junk$"