Other Work


Some years ago I created a Raspberry Pi based Trailcam (or Hogcam) for capturing the Hedgehogs that frequented our garden. This worked really well and we had endless videos of the little Hogs drinking and running around the garden. For those that are interested that was built using the NatureBytes case.

Towards the end of 2021 I adapted the re-active code for the Hogcam to be pro-active for Batcam. So instead of capturing when there was motion, it would always be recording, but delete the video if there was no motion. As yet I haven’t had a chance to put it into real use yet, but it is ready to go.

Trailcam code can be found here - Trailcam

BJ Application

I also created an app to show off a concept, and my sons photos, for locating bird and fish species on a map:

  • The front-end was Node based and ran on iOS, with remote data cached locally - GitHub
  • The back-end was a LAMP stack that ran on Heroku - GitHub


I’ve also created some simple websites than run on Netlify: